SyahVilla Bonsai collections and basic tips
Presented herewith some of SyahVilla bonsai collections. My interest with bonsai began in mid 1980’s approximately 25 yrs ago. To be honest, even though with this long experiences, I considered myself as still lack of knowledge & need to study more - more about d art’s of bonsai.
Some friends commented that bonsai is an easy plant to take care of, as it is a matter of trimming & make a crown at d peak. It may seem easy, but the practice of bonsai incorporate a number of techniques.
A bonsai tree will require certain training to resemble an aged tree. In training a bonsai tree, some people use stainless steel or alluminium wire to coil d branches to d style u wish. In between 3-4 months or less 6 mths, u must uncoiled d wire to prevent it from biting d bark.
Pruning is also an important and common practice, it must be done with care as improper way can weaken or kill the trees. Along with pruning, trimming is most common activity used fr bonsai development and maintenance throughout it’s lifetime. This is prior to maintain a bonsai basic design which can otherwise disappear behind uncontrolled natural growth of branches and leaves.
A few more tips to share with…....a little bit of luv & affection is just what d bonsai is asking for ... Bonsai trees need a lot of care and attention & it needs to be attended regularly & cannot be taken for granted. To bear in mind that they must 've sufficient light and air.
On top of all, no matter how good yr bonsai is .. u must never forget to water it, coz 'watering is d most important part of bonsai care'
Soon, u 'll be able to find out just what all the ‘talk’ is about when it comes to this special type of plant & how important it is to d world of plants & culture today.
A Bonsai tree .. d more matured, d more value it gains
5 ulasan:
Salam Tn. Hj.
Setelah melihat dari awal hingga akhir landskap Tn. Hj. nyata mempunyai pengalaman di bidang bonsai dan berkaitan dengannya.
Koleksi Bonsai juga memukau dan memiliki kepandaian membuat pasu simen yang cantik dan menarik.
Pada pendapat saya, Tn. Hj. bukan sahaja pengumpul bonsai, tapi juga sebagai penjual bonsai. wow.... mesti income menarik malah market di Brunei bagus di bidang ini.
Tn. Hj. bernasib baik tinggal di sempadan Sarawak. Harap dapat mengumpul bahan bonsai dari sana seperti Jeliti (Santalia), Kemuning, Bebuas sdbnya. Jika saya ke kontes di Miri, Sarawak pada tahun ini, jika kelapangan, saya akan ke Brunei. Insya'allah...
Terima kasih.
Jumpa lagi. Wasallam
Hj Abd Halim Hj Salleh:
W..Salam Tn Hj, Terima kaseh kerana compliments tu. Mudah2an kita boleh berjumpa di Miri atau KB kelak. Nanti saya sms nombor HP
Sebenarnya saya masih mengharapkan pendapat dr Tn Hj mengenai dgn koleksi bonsai saya.
Saya bukan olok2 kerana selama ni saya suka mencuba sendiri dan mempelajari dr buku. Pada pendapat saya, jika hendak mempelajari sesuatu ilmu seharusnya berguru bukan sekadar pengalaman saja.
Wassalam dr Brunei.
Betul tu Hj SyahV,
Sebaiknya pembelajaran pembuatan bonsai ini harus secara berdepan dgn sifu tersebut agar ilmu yg dicurahkan lebih meliputi semua aspek krn bonsai ni adalah seni 5 dimensi dan bukannya 2 dimensi seperti pembelajaran di dlm buku. Bagus kalau dapat mengatur perjumpaan dgn sifu2 PSBK seperti Hj Halim & Sifu Bohori.
SM Noryadi:
Salam, terima kaseh kerana nasihat tu. Mudah2an dengan izinNya kita akan berjumpa dlm masa terdekat.
Kalau tidak kerana SM mungkin saya belum punya blog sendiri dan belum dikenali ahli2 PSBK. Setinggi2 terima kaseh kpd SM dan Allah yg menentukan segala2nya.
Salam kpd Sifu kedua2nya.
My pleasure Tn Hj
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